Aurora & Arcadia - Dorset Coast



Using Zoom for the first time? …

Before joining a Zoom meeting on a computer or mobile device, you can download the Zoom app from the Download Center at (look under Resources in header banner). Otherwise, you will be prompted to download and install Zoom when you click a join link. There is plenty of help on the Zoom website (look under Support in header banner) but we are all getting to grips with it – so ask around if you need some help. Your host from WSS-D will send out an invitation that includes a link – all you have to do to join our meeting is click on the link at the appointed time.


When you join a meeting …

We suggest “Gallery View” (select from options top right corner of your Zoom screen). If you wish to speak check you are not “Mute” (bottom left) ... otherwise in a large group like urs we suggest staying on "Mute" throughout to reduce interference. 

Zoom will focus on whoever’s microphone is supplying the loudest feed … so keep your environment very quiet when another is speaking or put yourself on “Mute”. General good manners are sufficient when the group is small … in larger groups the host may require attendees to indicate when they would like to contribute to the discussion or ask a question – in which case the only one speaking should be the person selected by the host / chairperson.

If you are joining having registered with Zoom, you will have had an opportunity to select your name as viewed by others. There is no requirement to register with Zoom to join one of our meetings – it should connect if you just click the invitation link sent by your WSS-D host.  If you are joining without registering, please be aware that Zoom may display the “device name” (could be something like a relative’s name or “iPad512”). This may confuse others and could even lead to the WSS-D host rejecting you when you attempt to join as an “unknown”!  


Speakers & Presentations …

When the host introduces the speaker and a talk / presentation is about to begin this is your cue to change from “Gallery View” to “Speaker View” (top right) and double check you are on “Mute”.


Punctuality & joining late …
We’re all busy and sometimes get delayed. When we are late entering a real meeting room, we open the door quietly, mumble apologies in the general direction of the speaker and creep to the back of the room to find an empty chair. Not so easy on Zoom! If you’re joining a presentation/speaker styled event via Zoom there will often be an opening time and start time (i.e. 2.15 for 2.30 start). Please ensure you join before the speaker is due to start. If arriving late please ensure you keep silent, select “mute” and “speaker view”. Late arrivals may be “ignored” by the WSS-D host and refused access to avoid disrupting the speaker – sorry.